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Low FPS on a good system.


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Hello, so i've recently instaled skyrim, first time on this new laptop i bought last christmas, and i'm kinda at a loss, because i'm running on a really low fps - a laptop i had in 2013 that was much worse than this one, could run skyrim on ultra and 4k high res textures, and i had no problem getting 50-60 fps, although now, i get between 15-30 fps on just ultra. Even if i turn antialiasing off, and antisampling or whatever it is, still same results, 2-3 fps gain. Vsync is off too, im not running any programs that put my performance off in the background, running on Windows 10, my specs are


intel core i5 5200u, quadcore @2.20ghz

8gb ram

nvidia geforce 930m


I mean, i know its not a godlike laptop or anything, but something is off and it should be running way better. Thanks for all the answers and help!

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