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Parents Mod


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So the idea would be to be able to have children, this may be difficult for races like: Khajit, Argonian, all Elfs and Redguard since there are no children of those races (that i have found), but it could be done i suppose.


Main Features:


- You need to be married


- You can model how your child will look like but the eyes and hair color need to be the same as the player or the other parent


- This bonds you more with your wife so the lovers bonus would increase


- You get unique dialogue and can teach 4 things to your child (4 skills like heavy armor, etc) in order to do it, you need to be at least 40 in the skill you will teach.


- Eventually (like 6 months ingame) your child will grow (change to adult model but be very young-looking) and be a companion with specialization in the skills you taught him (no specialization if you didnt taught him anything).


- For people that play gay characters they could adopt from the riften orphanage, they would talk to Michel and then get a child from there.


What do you think ?. I dont know how you could do babies, i guess the child would be born a 10 year old :teehee: and pregnancy would also be hard i imagine.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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