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Personal Vertibird


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I am new to moding, and am thinking about creating my own vertibird using my workshop. I have started it, but would like a little help in making it so I can fast travel, how do I use scripts, and so on. As I said I am very new with the Creation kit, and have only made a few weapons mods for my game. They worked fine as there wasn't much except to change a few things and wala I had a custom weapon. This is a big step for me. I have seen somewhere where someone said to look at a mod and see ow it is made, but can't seem to find what I am wanting to do. I don't want to copy someone eleses mod, but would like to see how someone has made a mod, espeically the kind I am trying to build. Any help would be appreaciated. Thank, and don't mind my miss spelling. I am a Veteran with head trama from war. Thanks.

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Look at the VFT quest, it is the quest script that is called everytime you use a BOS signal grenade. Your best bet is to copy everything and tweak it to work the way you want it to.


You will need to copy the quest->grenade->explosion->static-object->StoryEventNode


I suggest you look up as many online tutorials you can on how the Fallout 4 CK works. There are some good videos out there too.

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