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Missing Wood Textures


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Hey everyone,

So, I appear to be missing some texture files, and I can't figure out which ones and what to do about it. It only seems to be the ones specific to certain wooden platforms as demonstrated in the screenshot attached. Other minor annoyances are present with an apparent misalignment of textures related to my lockpick interface, eidar cheese wedge, and silver platters, so far, too. I've been busy the past several days manually importing textures and meshes from various classic skyrim modders, so I'm sure these errors are my own doing. I'll eventually get around to figuring out the other issues, but right now this wood thing is really bugging me, and I could use a hand.




Edited by EngineerX
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Easiest way to figure it out is to purge all your mods and load it up mod free see if it still happens. If not it's a mod issue and in that case load the mods back in one at a time to see which one caused the problem. If not then we can go from there.
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I would remove every texture mod you ported over.

The changes to the textures means most will not work correctly.

Even mods ported by the author can have this issue if they did not update the textures.

Mod that use vanilla textures seem to be fine, as I have ported a few my self.

Custom textures have a 50-50 chance of working.

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*Update* It seems it was a mesh issue that was causing the interference. I've removed the scaffolding folder from data/meshes/dungeons/mines and the issue has resolved. While sorting it out, I identified the texture as "minewood01". I also found that the normal map was being called appropriately, just not the texture map. While I'm not in love with the default mesh, it'll serve just fine until an appropriate replacement can be found... Also fixed the aforementioned issue with the lockpick interface. Still trying to find the cause of my woes regarding eidar cheese and plates, though. Here's a pic, if someone has some insight:




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It's 12:30 in the morning, and all is quiet. I've managed to correct the plates (again a mesh issue, as I suspect the eidar is as well). My girlfriend finds it amusing that I have a "cheese issue." I've looked through every mesh in my data folder, and can't find one that I believe would cause this. To be safe, I've removed cheesewedge02.nif, cheesewheel02a.nif, and cheesewheel02b.nif from the data/meshes/clutter/food folder. I've also removed the cheese02.dds and cheese02_n.dds from the data/textures/clutter/food folder, but to no avail. The eidar cheese continues to mock my efforts. Verily, the darkness closes in around me. My mind rails in madness against my good nature. Desperately, I search the various .bsa files, hoping to find some fleeting trace of hope, an anchor to which I can cling and whether the fierce gale of desperation... But my hopes are dashed... The darkness clouds my vision now... All is quiet...

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  • 6 months later...

Hey man, i'm missing the same textures. I know this post is as old as earth but could you post your mod list so I can see what we have in common? I'm missing the exact same textures, and im missing another wooden textures that sometimes shows up outside.

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