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A request better left until the CK comes out.


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I request a mod that will expand upon the orc strongholds throughout Skyrim. It's stated that an orc becomes chief by killing the previous chief, however, this is not so. I think such a system should be implemented. The right to become chief orc remaining only with those of the orc race. Special quests that only become available as chief. Different chief quests for each stronghold. Expanding the strongholds themselves to make them larger and more community or town like. Maybe adding a little more NPCs. The ability to become an 'honorary orc' or something similar to the peoples of a stronghold after helping them out(Obviously only available to those who are not orcs). Player housing within the strongholds, etc. I could expand more upon the idea, and I'm sure any of you in the community could expand on it as well. Most, if not, all of this mod is probably not possible until the CK is released. So consider this a request for the future! :)
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