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FalloutNV.esm and Fallout3.esm load into GECK?


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Is it possible to load FalloutNV.esm & Fallout3.esm into the G.E.CK at the same time? I always get a crash when trying to do so.Iam using G.E.CK Version 1.4.0 518

In GECKCustom.ini i have bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 set like this so its not the problem.I am wondering if it can be done and what the trick to doing it is..Thanks for the help...

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np, I presume your wanting to do it for RFCW? don't know the technical reason why they cannot be both loaded, I am guessing because of to many duplicate entries (NV.esm is based on the fo3 one), but I have been through the PITA of modding it lol, was not fun trying to figure out and many trials and errors, makes you appreciate just how tough it must have been for the author to even create the mod, let alone working as well as it does.
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I believe it is because the Geck does not know how to process two unrelated masters that have a lot of the same form IDs. If you make one a master of the other, then you should be able to load both of them in the Geck. One way of installing RFCW has FalloutNV.esm being a master of Fallout3.esm. Edited by viennacalling
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Edited my above post for clarity. The instructions to do it by hand are in post #5589 of the RCFW official comments thread. I've tried copying the direct link but for some reason it's not working for me. There is a link to an executable that patches the Fallout3.esm in the thread, somewhere between that post and now. You'll have to search for that one. Edited by viennacalling
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rofl I was just about to post about the patcher for the fo3.esm, I decided to look further into it since I also want to load both in GECK.


..but patched fo3.esm+NV.esm both will load in geck ( have not tried editing yet)


This should be the a copy and paste of the post you were referring to I believe wiennacalling:




Following athense advice it should have worked, but since it didn't I'll give you the link to the patch program that will modify the fallout3.esm for you, as well as two file required for it to run without it blowing up in your face.


Fallout 3 Patch file - Yukichigai



RFCW Update for modded Fallout3.esm - Kuroitsune



Package Fix - Yukichigai



The first is the patch program, the second is an update RFCW_Main.esp made for the modified fallout3.esm, and the third is to keep dozens of people from randomly coming to you and starting dialog.


and thanks viencalling

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