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Expanded Storage in Breezehome


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Not knowing much about modding i'm throwing out an idea here, hoping i'm not alone about these thoughts.


Something that has been bugging me from the beginning getting Breezehome is the completely *censored* way of storing things.

How fun is it to browse through all your "MISC" items just to find the ores or just the pelts?

(Just because there aren't enough containers for all categories to fit.)


How about having wardrobes and weapon chests with editable or predefined SIGNS?

That way you could organize your loot a lot better.

Much like you can have a lot of chests with stuff in Minecraft.


How sweet wouldn't it be to have separate Containers (maybe stackable footlockers or narrow lockers like in FO) for "Enchanted weapons" and "Normal Weapons"?

Maybe even more? Splitted into more categories?



Expanded Bedroom with:

* Enchanted Weapons Footlocker

* Normal Weapons Footlocker

- ... same for Armor, Necklaces, Rings etc.


Smaller containers in the room next door with separate containers for Ores / Pelts / Ingots / Leather



You get the point.. Right now it's quite a mess trying to find what stuff to sell and what stuff to use for smithing, etc.


Probably there are homes available with more containers than Breezehome, but i really like the location of Breezehome.

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Just wait for the Creation Kit, you can easily insert chests into any house via *.esp. You could even make (non-edible) sign textures for them, which also isn't that complicated. Trust me, it's really not that hard, I learned to use the Oblivion Construction Set (for something like this) in just ~2 hours. Good luck. :yes: Edited by wirkoenntenaber
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Thanks i guess it's best to wait for the CK.


Also noticed that it's possible to do with the console but it looks like it's gonna take some time -

and i think it would be nicer to do something which could be shared with the community.

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