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Female mods from an RP standpoint


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I was watching a video earlier showcasing some tasteful armour on a female character. It started off with detailed closeups of the armour to show the high res nature of it but then it cut to catwalking. Someone went out of their way to animate that? Maybe I'm a bit too serious in my playthroughs and I RP my characters heavily so walking with swaying hips and one foot directly on front of the other with each step is like asking for a Draugr to stick his leg out while he's pretending to be asleep (I imagine him sniggering like Mutley) and get a free kill when you land on your face.


RIP Catwalk Model in Dungeon - Rekt


Hey, go nuts on your characters, mod however you want, no one should care. I just wanted to poke a little fun :) Some of these animation, armour and *ahem* body mods look geat but for an immersion seeking character RPer they serve no purpose to me.


Have fun in Skyrim folks :)

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Mileage varies. I don't use the catwalks. I don't mind relatively skimp armors. What stops my suspension of disbelief is stupidly overscale weapons, by far the majority of weapons Mods.. and vanilla as well. This goes for every DnD ish game I play, not just Skyrim.


So many times I DL a nice, historically shaped weapon only to find it looks ridiculous equipped because of the scale.


Finding weapons mods I can tolerate is harder for me than any other aspect. Took me about a year to replace all my weapons.


I confess also that I'm not terribly disturbed that I don't freeze to death, starve to death, can put 500 lbs in my pocket and live in a world where most people are only 10% more articulate than Hodor. But weapons..yeah.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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It may not make that much sense in case you're playing a more mundane type of character, like a warrior or even a thief.

But I think a sorceress could allow herself to be a little bit more flamboyant. She can show skin because she relies on magic to protect herself anyway, which is dampened in case she wore armour, and she can sashay all she wants knowing she can fling most bandits off a cliff with but one flick of a wrist.

Butttt knowing us men, it isn't all that uncommon to sacrifice what would be conventionally thought of as immersion for the sake of pure female eyecandy.

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I actually find it more immersive for people to be naked rather than wearing a fine bra. Its medieval times and you know how it was or Roman times. The body wasnt covered. What im trying to say is that they didnt give a f**k if people saw them nude. Example: Game of Thrones :smile:



Oh and i dont like the catwalks. Doesnt belong in skyrim.

Edited by Luka25565
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Possibly originated during a time of famine when a rat was about all anyone could afford to eat. You could probably equate a rat breast to one dollar, a rat leg to fifty cents, a rat's head to a dime, and a rat's ass to one cent. Hence, "I don't give a rat's ass" means something is worthless.

Excerpt from "dePog's Compendium of Tamrielic Lore"

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