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Best Guild To Join?


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I'm a Breton that likes to sneak around and only use a Bow/Crossbow


I sticking with light armor also.


I am curious as to whether there are any guilds on the Skyrim Special addition that will help me gain better light armor, bows/crossbows or maybe even a follower that

suits my characters style?


Thanks :)

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I've never played SSE but in the original Skyrim, you could joint the Dark Brotherhood which will help with light armor an sneak (and archery if it is your character's play style), Thieves Guild will help with light armor and sneak, and Dawnguard which will help you improve marksmanship and I'm pretty sure that the Dawnguard armor is light. The Dark Brotherhood might be the best way to go because it has a wider range of abilities that can be learned.

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I've never played SSE but in the original Skyrim, you could joint the Dark Brotherhood which will help with light armor an sneak (and archery if it is your character's play style), Thieves Guild will help with light armor and sneak, and Dawnguard which will help you improve marksmanship and I'm pretty sure that the Dawnguard armor is light. The Dark Brotherhood might be the best way to go because it has a wider range of abilities that can be learned.

thanks :D

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I'm a Breton that likes to sneak around and only use a Bow/Crossbow


I sticking with light armor also.


I am curious as to whether there are any guilds on the Skyrim Special addition that will help me gain better light armor, bows/crossbows or maybe even a follower that

suits my characters style?


Thanks :smile:

Can i join dawnguard as well as being in dark brotherhood?

Edited by spudd98
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You can develop a char without joining any guild type faction. Jenassa (non aligned) will suffice as a sneak follower until SSE provides a combat configurable follower via MCM or someone puts in some clunky dialog based config. None of the vanilla followers are as capable as Arissa, Minerva, Sofia, Inigo or Vilja in LE with MCM. Guild "perks" and armors are pretty minor in my opinion, plus their armor is easy to take off their dead bodies while you loot their HQ. I also play an assassin style Archer. (Predator, in EQ parlance).


TBH I destroy the Dark Brotherhood via vanilla quest, same for the Thieves via mod, and destroy the Mages simply as a free public service.(sparing the Librarian) Sometimes will do the Companions but only with a mod that lets me tell them to bugger off joining their Inner Circle Furry Fetish. More than once, as Harbinger, I have put Aela down for not rejecting her Daedra corruption. Sad, but.. Also refuse their petty thug quests.. ooo HONOR. TBH I would rather be helping the Silver Hand.


I personally find the guild factions to be too erratic, too confused and too petty to make any real difference beyond a few quests, Dawnguard and Civil war excluded as they both will change the Game world, to a point. Blades are just a required side show to the Main Quest but also need a mod for a satisfactory ending.


Beauty of Modded Skyrim is the ability to avoid the rails and truly make your own Char. Decisions to go off the rails may gate you from some Quests, some content. Worth it, to me.


BTW SSE is the same, Gameplay wise, as vanilla was years ago. They even included all of the original bugs.. SSE is shallow cosmetic fluff over 64bits.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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Its not like fallout 4. You can join every guild. SSE is the same as the original Skyrim. The best guilds for you is the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood. You can join Dawnguard because its DLC. You can also join the mages guild and the companions (fighters guild). They are all pretty fun and i suggest you do them all.

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