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Polygamy / Harem Mod


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I'd like to request a polygamy mod that'd enable any player to stack wifes (and/or husbands) in one or many player homes. Like a boss.

There are several reasons why people would want to have a mod like this.


- Eye candy

- Live Manequins (spouse as "Gear Model")

- Cook in every home

- Collector's zeal


This should offer a tempting work-populartiy ratio.



There has indeed already been a topic named "polygamy". However, it turned out that the OP was rather looking for a divorce mod since he kinda butchered his wife by accident.

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  On 12/19/2011 at 3:49 PM, gantech said:

All for this!! And Hot Coffee addition and a red light district when you just can't seem to get home





  On 12/19/2011 at 4:28 PM, justbigbs said:

Hahah, I was about to request the same exact thing for the same reasons. well the companion got me thinking about more "help", thought I could use more battle wifes... hahaha


Just to clarify, I'm not asking for multiple companions here.

(There arleady is a mod that does this - giving the dog-slot to a 2nd companion, I believe.)

But yes, such a mod would put the Blades into a whole new light :happy:

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i was thinking of something similar actually.

my thoughts are for there to be several harem "factions" where there are mansions in places of skyrim with rich males/females that own them, where you can choose to join one of the factions as a harem boy/girl or as a body guard, and you can work your way up in certain ranks by pleasing your master or protecting him/her, and even have the chance of assassinating the master at a certain rank and be able to take control over everything the master had and become the new master.

that would be an exciting way of doing this. ^^

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Would be totally awesome. We need too much more realism when on campaigns with our companion.

How many times have you gone to an Inn to sleep at three am and Lydia just stands there.

you know she's dog tired and just wants to strip off her armor and crash into bed next to you.

It's a bummer to console removeallitems, get her naked request that she sleep, then before she can

get up, jump into bed. MORE CHOICES...MORE CHOICES.


Great Job today Lydia!

Lydia, time for bed...where she strips and gets into the bed until you wake up.

Lydia, time for a little sexy time before we go.


The prudes be damned!

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@gantech: That's off topic. I recommend posting your request in an own thread.


@shadowxi304: Not what this request is about. If you wish to ask for the introduction of a brothel-story line, I recommend posting a separate request.





If a moderator could change the topic title into "Polygamy / Multiple Spouses", I'd be much obliged. Obviously, the word "harem" doesn't help to keep things on topic.




Again: This request right here is only about allowing the player to marry multiple NPCs.

It is NOT about the introduction of new story lines, the expansion of the spouse's AI or multiple companions.

Edited by c4w
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  • 4 weeks later...

The term "harem" isn't that wrong, since you request a mod that allows you to have several wifes at the same place (Live Manequins). Or do I get you wrongly? Just having several wives - one for each of your houses - sound like a pretty idea, but it's the harem-thing that would make things spicy, yet a bit more complicated.


I suppose the amount of wives per house (as well as the amount of housecarls per house) is bound to the amount of beds inside the house. So first you would have to allow more beds per house and find a place where to put them. Or else you have to undo the link between wife and bed and you might lose the lover's comfort. So more lovers, less sex, ey.


To me the idea of having multiple wives only sounds interesting if you can "collect" them at one place. A different approach could be to create a mod allowing your housecarls to move in all at the same place. This might bring you a nice stack of women at your place as well, although they wouldn't be wives.


I didn't try it yet, but it seems you should be able to change the housecarl's sex, if you want more women in your houses (console-command: SexChange).



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