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Deeper and Overlaping Shadows


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Bethesda has greatly improved the shadow system from Oblivion to Skyrim, by making a real shadow system. Thsi means where light cannot penetrate, it wont, such as the exterior tunnels in markarth, and the enclosed entrances to tombes. But this could be improved dramatically with two things, darker shadows for more constrast, and overlapping shadows.


I know mods such as Skyrim Enhanced Shaders makes the shadows darker, but not by much, and it would be a great improvment if they were darker.


Know I know your probibly wonderwing what I mean by overlapping shadows, well, in real life when a shadow is casted over another shadow, the section where the two shadows overlap is darker, usually about twice as dark. This shows depth, and would work winders in enclased exterior areas.


Here is and example:


Edited by rowtjack07
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