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How to put clothes back on naked NPC's???


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  • 1 month later...

Hi.. Well, maybe this is not too late at all.. :D


So, i have this kind of problem now, in Aela and Utgerd's case. They are naked. I tried to type every reset command, from disable-enable- to resurrect, even resetai, recycleactor but no one helped me.. :/ i also tried showinventory command but when i put back the clothes on them, and typed disable-enable again, the gear which i put back on them disappeared , they became naked again.... So i really dont know what to do now.. a latter save is also pointless.. i think something happened when i switched the EFF to UFO... UFO also changed the npcs head back to vanilla, with the dark head texture, whoo it was horrible >.<.. then i tried AFT follower mod which was not very good for me so i sticked to the EFF .. But how can i solve this problem now?.. :(

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  • 3 years later...

Go to first person view. Open the console command, click on Lydia or whoever and you will see a series of numbers, that is the npc id number. then type disable. the npc will disappear. then type enable and the npc will reappear. make sure you don't close the console of click on anything else or you will lose the npc id and you are screwed and have to reload a save from before you disabled the npc



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