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How does one enable interior Sounds for new weather effect?


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Actually I didn't mean interior cells so much as shelters that are part of an exterior, like shacks and so on. Anyway I'm not sure it matters.


Basically I duplicated a couple of weather objects, changed a few parameters to create the weather effects I wanted, then I saved it all as a plug in. I forgot about the interior sounds. How is this achieved?


I notice there is sound marker reference in the room called "AMBWeatherRainFakeInteriorMetalSmallmarker" and this is the sound I want, but I don't know how to get it to work with my weather.


Any help appreciated.




Edited by Jason210
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So, I've been trying to figure this out on my own, and it looks like we have to use sound descriptors, as these have conditions built into them. I think the sound marker needs to be linked to a descriptor with the conditions to activate. Custom weather objects then form part of the conditions expressions.

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