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Arena Quest Weirdness


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Reloaded Oblivion recently and started the Arena quest. However, the bodies of previous opponents killed are not disappearing and remain on the ground in the arena. I've been through Pitdog and Brawler and just started Bloodletter and all the bodies of the yellow team opponents are still lying in the arena.


I have been advised to just use console and "disable" them, but I'm not sure if this is the best solution.


Should I just use console and disable the bodies or do I have some form of a glitch thats going to cause problems?

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Disabling the bodies will not cause any glitches or break your questline. These actors are never used again.


Your game is malfunctioning though and will likely sontinue to malfunction any time any of your characters fight in the arena. You may want to look at all the mods you have that edit the arena and see if you can solve the problem by systematically disabling them one at a time and testing repeatedly until you isolate the problem mod.

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Thanx for the reply!


I don't have any mods that touch the arena or its quests and did check other mods as you suggest, but the bodies still do not disappear.


The only place this seems to be occurring is in the arena, as I had killed the pirates at the ship and they have since vanished.


I figured the actors are never used again so I'm going to try the "disable" solution and see if this leads to any problems down the road as everything else seems to be working as I remember it should.


Again, thanx for the reply.

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