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Egyptian Khopesh, part of a larger mod, looking for feedback.


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This is my first serious model for Skyrim, it's based off an Egyptian Khopesh as part of a larger project i'm developing. I'm looking for feedback regarding the textures mostly, i'm still pretty green to the whole Gamebryo *cough* i'm sorry "Creation" engine modding scene so anything constructive would be helpful.


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Edited by honkus
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CURVED. SWORDS. (sorry had to say it)


I think the model and texture look good, they look like they fit almost perfectly into Skyrim. I'm no expert when it comes to skins but maybe the unsharpened base/core/middle of the blade could be made to look a little bit darker.


Also, are you planning to make it a replacer or a new weapon? If you make a replacer for the Orcish sword for example, it would be ideal to adjust the texture appropriately to have a greenish tint. As an iron or maybe steel weapon it looks great so far.

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Hahaha i'm gonna pickpocket one onto every guard that says that just to make their day.


Thanks for the input! I'm going to make new meshes and textures for the different weapon material types, the iron one is just the first one I did. Im going to do all the metal types but not racial types (no orc, dwarven, or elvish Khopeshes) but im also going to do one new racial type for the larger project.


For the different material Khopeshes I will try to maintain the Skyrim style for their types so a glass Khopesh will fit in with glass armor for instance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think a Kopesh would actually fit well with both the Khajit and the Dwemer. The Redguard, while drawing their inspiration from peoples of the same general area (most particularly the Ottomans, what with the gunpowder and all) they are from a deferent era of that real world locations habitation.


The Khajit, on the other hand, don't really have an established style, but the deserts of central Elswyerr would make such a style beleivable, and the Dwemer already have an established theme in the lower mediteranian ancient civilizations.


Good design, i must say. Its nice to see some thought going into weapons rather than just coppies of things in movies and other games.

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I think the texture looks pretty good an in general agree with what Lachdonin said, but I think the model would look better with a narrower blade a la Weapons of the Third Era. The current model looks more like a bludgeoning weapon in your in-game screen shot... but of course, so do many of the Skyrim models. :ohdear:


Ah, but the Khopesh was a predominantly Copper-Age weapon, and thus could not hold a particularly keen edge. For the most part, only royalty could afford to take care of theirs (Which were often gold, ironicly thus worse weapons) and so the general armouries would ahve been full of dull weapons, which would ammount to little more than axes in battle.


Which is ok, since no one wore any armour to protect themselves anyway.

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Ah, but the Khopesh was a predominantly Copper-Age weapon, and thus could not hold a particularly keen edge. For the most part, only royalty could afford to take care of theirs (Which were often gold, ironicly thus worse weapons) and so the general armouries would ahve been full of dull weapons, which would ammount to little more than axes in battle.


Which is ok, since no one wore any armour to protect themselves anyway.


Winging it, I'm going to say the theoretical khopesh modeled here seems to be almost an inch thick, and the blade looks to be about 3" wide but a portion of that is edged and not full thickness so let's ignore that third inch. Wikipedia says a typical khopesh is 20-24 inches long, so we'll call this one 22." I'm pretty sure they were mostly made of bronze but it doesn't matter, I'll use the weight per cubic foot of cast copper if that makes you happy. 1x2x22=44 cubic inches. A cubic inch of cast copper is about .313 pounds x 44 cubic inches = 13.7 pounds of blade and are you seeing what I meant? A copper or bronze or iron khopesh might not be a light weapon for its size nor particularly sharp (though I would debate that), but I sincerely doubt it weighed more than the largest ceremonial two handed swords.


OP, I'll give the thread back now. I just think it would look cooler and more realistic if the blade were narrowed. The addition of real weapons to the game is fantastic either way, though. :thumbsup:

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Well with this particular MOD i'm looking to create content that fits with the Skyrim aesthetic rather than focus on reality. That means beefy weapons, beefy people, beefy environment etc. It also means i'm tossing reality out the window in favor of fantasy, I like the look of the Khopesh from a shape standpoint and decided to include it in my Egyptian themed MOD, however I use themed very loosely. My MOD will be Egyptian themed about as much as Skyrim is Norse themed. Obviously there weren't Dragons and Mammoths roaming around Norway during the iron age but in a fantasy setting sometimes it's ok to take liberties for the sake of aesthetics and just plain awesomeness.
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