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Skyrim CTD on killing female bandits, Deadly Mutilation Fan fixed.


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Good evening everyone, i'm fairly certain my issue is due to placing files in the wrong place with the fan fix.


i'm fairly certain nothing in the load order would be causing it, the deadly mutilation fan fix is loaded last.


load order is as follows





unofficial skyrim patch

unofficial dawnguard patch

unofficial dragonborn patch

immersive patrols

longer range vanilla weapons



cloaks - dawnguard

Deadly mutilation


It works perfectly fine when killing males, after downloading it late last night i thought i was in the clear. but after getting deeper into the game i got met with constant crashes upon killing any female. Location didn't matter, always crashed upon killing a woman.


any help would dearly be appreciated although from now on i think i'll just stick to nmm compatible mods.


Since i had to download this manually i'm 99% certain that i didn't place a mesh or texture in the right folder. Since it came with a ton of sub folders and no guide on how it should all look once finished i had to use intuition, like whether to put the downloads character assets and character assets female folder into the game's character assets folder.

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