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Has anyone seen Johnny Depp in Skyrim?


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That husband of that smith girl in Whiterun... Something War-Bear... Isn't he cute? :D

Patrick...Warburton...was it?





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None of the guys have really caught my eye. Except maybe one but I forget where I saw him. But there does seem to be a lack of good looking men....they're mostly pretty much average. Which is fine. I'm sure someone will mod us up some hunks. :D


TimF, that's the one I liked. He hires himself, right? I'll have to go back and find him.

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I like Hrongar, I think his name is, Balgruuf's brother (Especially that whole "just unsheath me" line he says *swoon*), but yeah, for the most part the men aren't all that attractive in the game. I really find that, as far as faces are concerned, Altmer men seem to have the best. Maybe it's just because of the hood covering most of his face, but I find Calcelmo somewhat attractive, and Onmond (?) the Nord guy at the college isn't too bad (there are certainly worse, anyway). I definitely disagree with whatsername though that Ancano is attractive at all. It could just be the voice, but I think the dark elf from the Vaermina quest is pretty decent as well (again, could be the hood covering half his face).


Typically, with my male followers, however, I just put a helmet on them to cover their faces, and then stick them in Falmer Armor.


Edit: Hrm, on second thought, upon reviewing pictures of Erandur, scratch him from that list, I just like the voice.

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This oversight from Bethesda is surprising to me considering that it would not have been difficult to have made some good looking male followers or other NPC's for their female customers. Dragon Age figured this out years ago. It's not as if having some attractive male characters somehow diminishes sales for other demographics.
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This, maybe?


He's good looking, but again with the WWF look XD


And I don't really care. It's not like I'm not gonna play the game because of it. It just seems like in principle it would have been more fair.


Damn. Just found that you can't marry kajits.


I know! What's up with that? Racists ;D Maybe Khajiit's don't marry each other either? I guess, if the females go into heat that could be... problematic for the monogamous kitty couple.

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