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New Vegas Kinected


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I'm actually surprised this has yet to show up in any searches (specific for NV, Skyrim seems to have them everywhere) but how about mods that enable people to use the Kinect system with FNV. Anyone who is familiar with the system and voice commands should have at least an idea of what I'm talking about or how to do this. Any advice, tutorials, or mods would be greatly appreciated.


Imagine you saying "Equip Tesla Cannon" while motioning yourself taking it out from your back 'sling'. Then motioning the gun to be 'iron sighted' or looking down the scope and saying "IM'A FIRING MA LAZA!!!" or "FUS RO DUH" or simply "Fire" and/or motioning your hand in some way where you fire the cannon and disintegrate some poor poor Deathclaw Mother in front of all her little babies and kin. Only to proceed and kill all but one baby; say "Equip bare hands" and hold it by the juggular while collecting its sweet sweet Baby Deathclaw Tears at 1000 caps/oz. Or lick them to gain a new perk or boost (or something) then toss it up in the air and say "Roundhouse Kick" then motion a roundhouse kick and have it be kicked into the air and explode into a million deathclaw bits.


How about this mod as a stocking stuffer?

Edited by Matt1713
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The main point was applying the "hacking the xbox kinect system" methodology to use for FNV. There are videos of people doing this for other games (like Elder Scrolls Skyrim), so I was wondering why no one attempted to do it for this game yet. I then gave a very.....let's say interesting example of what could happen with the kinect system installed to work for FNV.


If you really didn't get the main concept or understood the key word 'Kinect' it's the motion sensor primarily used for xbox, but is open source and can be applied to computers, and other software. There are also voice recognition software/hardware for the kinect system so if you understand this much, go back and read the example I gave and you might understand the awesomeness (and ridiculousness) of it and how (for the most part anyway) this could actually be achieved.

Edited by Matt1713
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