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Install script is not starting/working


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So I am new to modding, but I have created a mod and am trying to setup an install script for it. I have followed the guide found here. I followed the instructions to the letter, but when I try to install (to test the script) with NMM, the installer doesn't even show up. Here is the code:




<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://qconsulting.ca/fo3/ModConfig5.0.xsd">

<moduleName>Scroll to Book (S2B)</moduleName>
<moduleImage path="FOMod\Scroll to book image.png"/>

<installSteps order="Explicit">
	<installStep name="Base Options">
			<group name="Main Options" type="SelectExactlyOne">
				<plugins order="Explicit">
					<plugin name="S2B Skyrim Only">			
							<![CDATA[Pick this if you don't have all the official DLCs.]]>
							<flag name="Main1">On</flag>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Only\Required Plugin" destination="" priority="0"/>
							<type name="Optional"/>
					<plugin name="S2B Legendary Edition">
						<![CDATA[Pick this if you have all of the offical DLCs.]]>
						<flag name="Main2">On</flag>
						<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Legendary Edition\Required Plugin" destination="" priority="0"/>					
						<type name="Optional"/>
	<installStep name="S2B Skyrim Only Options">
			<flagDependency value="On" flag="Main1"/>
			<group name="Skyrim Only Plugin Options" type="SelectAny">
				<plugins order="Explicit">
					<plugin name="Dawnguard Addon">
							<![CDATA[Addon for the Dawnguard DLC.]]>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Only\DLC Plugins\Dawnguard" destination="" priority="0"/>
								<defaultType name="Optional"/>
											<fileDependency file="Dawnguard.esm" state="Active"/>				
										<type name="Recommended"/>
					<plugin name="Dragonborn Addon">
							<![CDATA[Addon for the Dragonborn DLC.]]>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Only\DLC Plugins\Dragonborn" destination="" priority="0"/>
								<defaultType name="Optional"/>
											<fileDependency file="Dragonborn.esm" state="Active"/>				
										<type name="Recommended"/>
					<plugin name="Hearthfire Addon">
							<![CDATA[Adds tables to the Hearthfire houses.]]>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Only\DLC Plugins\Hearthfire" destination="" priority="0"/>
								<defaultType name="Optional"/>
											<fileDependency file="Heathfires.esm" state="Active"/>				
										<type name="Recommended"/>
					<plugin name="Apocalypse Addon">
							<![CDATA[Addon for the Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim mod.]]>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Only\Mod Plugins\Apocalypse" destination="" priority="0"/>
								<defaultType name="Optional"/>
											<fileDependency file="Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp" state="Active"/>				
										<type name="Recommended"/>
					<plugin name="Frostfall Addon">
							<![CDATA[Addon for the Frostfall mod.]]>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Only\Mod Plugins\Frostfall" destination="" priority="0"/>
								<defaultType name="Optional"/>
											<fileDependency file="Frostfall.esp" state="Active"/>				
										<type name="Recommended"/>

	<installStep name="Skyrim Legendary Edition Options">
			<flagDependency value="On" flag="Main2"/>
			<group name="Skyrim Legendary Edition Plugin Options" type="SelectAny">
				<plugins order="Explicit">
					<plugin name="Apocalypse Addon">
							<![CDATA[Addon for the Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim mod.]]>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Legendary Edition\Mod Plugins\Apocalypse" destination="" priority="0"/>
								<defaultType name="Optional"/>
											<fileDependency file="Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp" state="Active"/>				
										<type name="Recommended"/>
					<plugin name="Frostfall Addon">
							<![CDATA[Addon for the Frostfall mod.]]>
							<folder source="FOMod\Skyrim Legendary Edition\Mod Plugins\Frostfall" destination="" priority="0"/>
								<defaultType name="Optional"/>
											<fileDependency file="Frostfall.esp" state="Active"/>				
										<type name="Recommended"/>





And here is the folder setup:






  • Skyrim Legendary Edition
    • Mod Plugins
      • Apocalypse
        • Apocalypse.esp
      • Frostfall
        • Frostfall.esp
    • Required Plugin
      • S2B Skyrim Legendary Edition
  • Skyrim Only
    • DLC Plugins
      • Dawnguard
        • Dawnguard Addon.esp
      • Dragonborn
        • DragonBorn addon.esp
      • Hearthfire
        • Hearthfire addon.esp
    • Mod Plugins
      • Apocalypse
        • Apocalypse addon.esp
      • Frostfall
        • Frostfall addon.esp
    • Required Plugin
      • Skyrim Only.esp


  • Scroll to Book image.png




Can someone tell me what is going on? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by batman99000
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Nevermind, found the problem. It was how my folder was setup. The installer script should have been INSIDE the FOMod folder along with the image, with everything else outside of the FOMod folder


Simplified: only the installer script, the info.xml and the image should be in the FOMod folder

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