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Cape Animated


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Can Oblivion's physics engine actually handle cloth simulation? If you want physically accurate capes (as opposed to a fixed set of animations which don't react to the surroundings), that's what you need. If it does handle cloth simulation, making realistic animated capes should be easy, a couple clicks in your 3d modeling program and you're done. If it doesn't, it's simply impossible.
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mm... I'd download it only for that feature, will it work with OOO's capes?

Lost Paladins adds an Armorset, including a Cape.

This Cape is animated. I have another mod for Capes ("Capesandcloaks") which is adding some Capes with different Colours to the Divine Elegance Shop. The Capesandcloakes Capes and Cloakes wont move. The Replica of the Cape (youll have to earn the original one, then there will be a replica of it for sale, in case you dont like the enchantment) is also for sale at Divine elegance. Capesandcloaks=Cardboard. Lost paladins Cape= animated.

The animation is somewhat spartanic. The Cape wont fly backwards when you charge onto enemies. It will stay at the exact position on your back even if you jump off dive rock.


When you walk or run, the Cape will sway a bit to the left and right. When walking backwards, the cape will sway a little bit forwards.


Well, its still by far the best cape that has ever been done in the History of Oblivion modding.

And its included in a mod that is, in my opinion, one of the best Armormods ever.

Small little story, with Werewolfes :D


There is not only a cape, there a armorset. One heavy, one light. Heavy version has the same stats as daedric. Some enchantments are crappy, but then, you can buy replicas and enchant them instead =)


The Armorsets look gorgeous. You can choose to have it have a "fake mirror" map effekt. like the Glass armor has, only brighter.

One thing though: Theres a sword which keeps burning, like it was a torch. You can choose to get the Sword without burning, but there is still the Light effect ingame, which will mess up the colour of your normal "light" spell, if you use one. Night eye and torches, as well as any other light, will stay the same.

But, the creators have promised to look into it =)

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