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TESSNIP, ESPs and Creating New Folders for Similar Content


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I was hoping to move one of my mods into an ESP, so I've read the forums/tutorials on TESSNIP and everything was good, until now.


I've used an item (clothing) as a source, and created different versions of it and now, since I have different versions (3 versions each of a hat, boots, torso), I want to give the meshes and textures new folder names (obviously because they can't stay the same name if running at the same time).


I've set up the GRUP (ARMO) and GRUP (ARMA), but the items only work in the game if I use the original name/folder structure, which means I can't use more than one of the items at a time (or the original) at the same time.


Is there some unique identifier I'm missing in the GRUP (ARMO) and GRUP (ARMA) that looks for the original file/folder name? Or did I miss a step when creating the ESP?



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