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Which PSU?


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Okay, currently I have a 850W PSU, corsair i believe (maybe). Id like to upgrade my PSU so i can OC more and wont have to worry about PSU for a long time.


Currently looking at two beasts which are the Corsair PRO series AX 1200 (seems to be pretty popular amongst gamers) and the new Enermax Maxrevo series EMR1350EWT.

Found both of them on Newegg, and both seems to be priced fairly the same. Here's a link to both of them if youd like to take a look.


The Enermax


The Corsair



As you can see the Enermax has a 150 more Watt than the Corsair and is actually cheaper too; but sometimes the brand is what makes a PSU a reliable one. From many reviews and feedback, the Corsair seems to be a very good PSU. I just need help picking one or the other.


Thanks in advance!

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i'd say enermax, built more towards the future. reading the reviews, seems higher quality as well. multi vs single rail, only real difference is more filtering on multi rails and a single rail has to absorb the entire systems load instead of being split. oh, and single rails are cheaper to manufacture (less parts).


you can google multi rail vs single rail for more info, a lot of hype towards single rails mostly from manufacturers because they are cheaper to build than multi= profit the more people they can get to believe that they're somehow better. simple example if you don't want to research...would you plug 8 appliances into a single outlet w/ 1 fuse/breaker? or split them among several outlets and different fuses/breakers?

Edited by DeadSpace
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I just decided to stay low for awhile and focus on getting my crossfiring setup. Sale difference isnt huge so, save money while I can, use it when its necessary c;


Thanks for all the help anyways!

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