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Rather strange Master Wulfgar bug..


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So I have been playing Skyrim:SE for some time now, mostly doing side quests and exploring, so I finally decided to get the 3rd word of unrelenting force, when I then noticed that Master Wulfgar (who should give you the 3rd word of power) isn't there. More specifically I took a picture of where he is all the way over the mountains, under the border of the map. Help?

Edit: Found this as one of the listed bugs, but I still can't get to him, since he is out of the bounds of Skyrim.

http://www.uesp.net/w/images/6/69/Xbox360.png Wulfgar might not be in High Hrothgar but might be off the mountain. If you find him the quest will continue but he will not be in High Hrothgar to complete the greeting. This problem is on Skyrim Special Edition. ?

Edit2: Ok I actually found solution, had to use some console commands unfortunately. If anyone else is having the problem, use this:
Prid 886B6 - This will target Wulfgar wherever he is in the world
moveto player - This will teleport him to your current location

Hope this helps!

Edited by TheExtremeTES
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