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[Request] Chestguard Waist Removal


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I tried doing this myself, but I haven't been able to find a good tutorial on removing pieces of armor.


I'm trying to remove the entire waist section of the Chestguard armor, for both males and females.



Path: ...steamapps\common\DDDA\nativePC\rom\eq\a_body

Female: f_a_body1000.arc

Male: m_a_body1000.arc


I tried unpacking the arc and deleting the entire waist folder, but like I expected the game crashes trying to point to assets that don't exist anymore.

I tried editing the waist CMM and NM files by deleting the contents (using a DDS plugin for GIMP), but the waist section stubbornly stuck around, only now with

what I assume were pieces of the mesh underneath showing.


If anyone could do this or better yet point us to a guide explaining the process, you'll be the hero of everyone on this board trying to make similar edits.


Thanks for reading!

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