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Humble Mod Request for Voice-Actings


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So, I was going through Skyrim and after hearing Nazeem call be a peasant for the fiftieth time, I thought it would be amazing to do a complete overhaul of the voice acting within the game. Now, this wouldn't be an entirely serious overhaul, what I have in mind is something quite different. I had the rather lovely thought of "what if everyone in Skyrim was voiced by an over-the-top stereotypical black person?"

Here's some examples of what I had thought of for lines:

Hadvar asking who you are at the opening: "Haw shiet n!gga, I dun recognize yo azz! Who tha hells are you!?"

Approaching a guard with a weapon drawn: "A playa migh' be spectin' some shiz be goin' down if a homie comes up wit' 'is piece alls ready to start popin' foo's"

Hadvar to the Imperial Captain after confirming your character: "Yo, you dum-azz bietch! Dis n!gga ain' on tha lizt!"

Just an idea I had, and would love to see if someone could actually make it, as I have no clue how to actually make a mod.
Edited by POSHXray
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