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Possible to incorporate certain SE changes into LE?


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Such as rain and snowfall occlusion ('Real Shelter' never worked properly and probably never will) and the realistic flowing water? Legendary Edition is still far superior due to better mods (many that will never get ported) and so I and any other reasonable person cannot rationally swap, but those two new features are quite nice...

Edited by Mitigate
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No. Those are core game engine features and the best mods can do is fake those effects in a very imperfect (and time-consuming to create) way.


Just like making choices about which conflicting mods to use you now get a choice about which features provided by the two games are most important. But like mods get patches, more and more mods will be ported over to SE eventually. In the mean time you just have to decide which features are most important to you.

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