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Legend of the Dragoon mod?


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Does anyone remember Legend of the Dragoon for ps one? Pretty great game! I think it would be awesome if someone could mod the ability to become a dragoon into Skyrim.



Make it a once a day power (like beast form)

Have it be part of a new quest.

Have it buff your health magicka and stamina significantly the duration of the transformation.

Obviously with a dragoon flight would be a must have. Imagine taking to the sky on your own set of wings to fight a dragon in the sky!

Elemental dragoons.


I realize that something like this would likely have to wait until the CK comes out but I think it would be awesome!


Someone else would have to make it though as I have NO idea how to do even the simplest mods!



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  • 2 months later...
I have a lot better ideas along this same thought process but I also do not have any idea how to mod. Since it seems like someone else has already requested this and brought up the idea and no one was interested, I guess it just isn't going to happen... Unless we both started learning and by the time we got it done the next TES would probably be released.
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