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Skyrim More Colorful Mod?


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I'm not sure if this was brought up before but I'm pretty sure it has been and I'm new to the forums but yeah.

As most of you know, Skyrim is a very gray game and it feels really boring. Has or is anyone coming up with a mod that would modify this?

I'm talking more green, blue, red, and more colors. It'd be really neat!

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You can search fxaa on Skyrim Nexus, lots of filters that saturate colors, change contrast and hues, shadows etc. I've tried a few, awesome results. Also, there's this mod that makes the area around Riften look more green and lush: http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2818


It's called "Summer in Skyrim", and it looks FANTASTIC I think.

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