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Disable Durability


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CS is definitely the way to change clothing and armor to their respective sides. You have to switch out the meshes and icons for it though, and to me it's not worth the hassle for every armor piece in the game (Seriously, there's hundreds of the things, possibly thousands). Trying PrettyMurky's method would be much better and easier to do.
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scn QuestScript

Begin GameMode

If GetGameReloaded
   con_SetGameSetting FDamageToArmorPercentage 0
   con_SetGameSetting FDamageToWeaponPercentage 0


That should do it.


Hmm...that means my character will receive full damage instead, since there's now no damage being absorbed by armors, right? And I bet it doesn't work with disintegrate armor/weapon?

I read from this page: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/FDamageToArmorPercentage

and this page: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/33224-weaponshield-health-modifier/

which makes me suspect that there's another multiplier for blocking...


I'll check on it when I get back from work :P

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