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Easier Soul Trapping


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Hi, could someone please make a mod that gives you the ability to capture souls of creatures you summoned yourself (like you could do in Oblivion)? Also, if it isn't a problem, I'd want to be able to accumulate souls in soul gems (e.g. If I have a grand soul gem and capture a skeever's soul, the soul level of the gem is petty, and I can't trap another skeever's soul in it to raise the soul level to lesser, but I want to be able to).


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Thanks for the advice, but to produce Atronachs I need their salts first. I want to trap souls like I did in Oblivion. It wasn't considered cheating then, so I see no reason for it to be considered cheating now.
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Uhm.. Is "cheating" even a word in a single player game? Since.. well, you get a unfair advantage over the NPC, which you always got.


But, it was different in Oblivion. enchantement couldn't, in theory, be as strong as now. Now we get 30%+-100%+ enchants on a normal basis. It's the same reason we only get to wear 1 ring -- balance. Not in the form of "cheating", but in "Making the game harder and lenghtier".

Though I guess somebody will be able to get this fixed in the matter of minutes after the CK is out.

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So i guess my best aim is to wait for the CK now...


Indeed it is. It can probably be done, but the people who knows how to mod know are quite busy. I know that I won't touch modding before the CK is out, for instance.

It isn't long now :)

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