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sneak archer mod list


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Honestly I don't know what to say. I know this post will sound very selfish and lazy but I would absolutely appreciate it if someone can do me this favour.


Basically I would love it if someone could share me their mod list that they use, I have no idea which mods are essential or which mods dont work with each other etc. The character i enjoy playing the most is the sneak archer type. I mean if you have a character like that and have a mod list you use for that character then hopefully you can share it with me.


I did try installing mods with nmm and loot etc and it did work for a while. Until i had to shoot an arrow and the animation for shooting it was sideways and literally unplayable XD. I then tried to one by one find which mods were doing this which of course caused my game file to be corrupt so i just gave up.


Now I am hoping to start a completely new profile with completely new set of mods.


Basically if you can just give me a little nudge in the right direction of essential mods (bug fixes/graphics) and even maybe more specific/ archer/quality of life mods (enhanced archery tree, faster menu load times etc.)


the more mods the better


thanks a lot

Edited by fkyourmom69
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