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WHat does your Character look like ?


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It was 3-4 coin flips of heads/tails at launch to jump on the NATE/NORA Bethesda hypetrain that resulted in tails every time an thus NORA. Though after this years election it might be female is heads, I haven't thought about it very much, it being potentially as sexist as it is. Basically just take the default NORA an edit the face shape 6000 times an play make up an dress up 6000 times, and then hope for rare occasions where the player character is damaged enough to mark it for a period with art assets. You know, then go to the doctor for a reconstruction. Don't forget to add in a boob job on a post pregnancy single mother with a kidnapped infant. LOL, I think I made NORA's boobs huge when the game started, but then they shrank, an she got all upset about it. Need a picket sign exclaiming "Postpartum Depression Is A Mother F***er"! LOL


What do you think. Should NORA die. Because this one isn't doing so well. Not really in the story or quests all that much. You know that life simulator that the mainstream was screaming to keep inside Sims4 instead of their shooter genre. A year later she cries all the time, an goes crazy. But it all kind of centered around her being scared an deciding to live inside Vault 111 four months after launch when the mods started getting good. I've kind of been thinking to change it or change games. Maybe even start over with it inside the BETA version of the game in a purist build. You know or have her get killed, because the wasteland can be pretty dangerous in some modded builds. I did start flushing it out in LooksMenu preset to share, but I'm not sure I considered what I wanted to do, and if that entailed having her actually die so I can move on. Well, or start the quests with at least some degree of commitment/dedication. No idea, really.

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