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Hello all. After a long time I came back to playing "Skyrim" again and again I have an issue with dear old Valdr. I'm level 27 and have met him only now, on my way to Falkreath. Problem is, he either won't talk to me at all (he's just standing there, not even sitting, with "angry face", as in combat) or talk generic lines like "Good morning" or "Hmm?". I can't heal him, can't talk to him, can't start the quest to clear out Moss Mother Cavern, nothing. I tried the console to advance this quest, but for some reason typing setstage dunMossMotherQST 5, 10 or 30 won't work. Nothing happens. Enabling and disabling him fixes his angry face, but nothing more. I know it's just a misc quest, but I wanted to complete it nonetheless and now it seems I can't. Any ideas? I'd appreciate any help.

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Couldn't say. You don't give us any information. It could maybe be FNIS issue, but who knows if you use FNIS? List out your mods, your system, and any other information in the pinned topic when asking for help and you'll likely get better help. Just sayin'.

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