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Walk in Armour + Weapons Wardrobe


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Would anyone consider making a big long basement room for one of the houses so that we could keep a complete armour outfit on a mannequin and beside it have several weapon plaques or weapon racks to store the appropriate weapons with the armour.


eg.. Arch Mage robes on a mannequin with a couple of staffs beside... then maybe a full set of Ebony armour on a mannequin with a great sword and two 1 handed swords... etc... etc


Maybe 20 of these armour/weapon setups would be sweet.

Edited by takkischitt
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+1. Though, i will be a bit more specific; Adding this room to Proudspire Manor would be supreme, since it comes with enchanter and alchemy tables, and already has a great mod for adding smithy services into the extra bedroom on the 1st floor, so this tends to be the house that I (and many others) use most...
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I think from reading into this a bit more is that it's not possible at the minute, but I think it would be a great idea for when the full development tools are released.


Doesnt really matter what house it's added too as even the houses without enchanting and smithing area's could get them added too... I like Whiterun as it's close to the fast travel point and it wouldn't be hard to add a massive basement in it (as there's nothing below it only ground).

Edited by takkischitt
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