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Auto loot


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Lets get an auto loot going, We had two or three auto loot mods in the original Skyrim, I would port them over the only problem is they all require SkyUI and SKSE, If anyone is willing to port one of the old Auto loot mods over and remove the dependencies that would be great.


Than you

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It COULD be possible to port them over, and instead of using SkyUI, to use a .ini file to record what normally would be part of the UI controls. There are at least three. Kace Auto Loot, Auto Harvest 2, and Jaxonz Smart Looter. Auto Harvest 2 was my favorite, and although we would not be able to adjust things on the fly, an ini file could make it easier to add items to the list for what to collect and what to ignore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Couple of things.


First, Kace Auto Loot. It seems if you convert the mod to SkyrimSE, the chest does seem to work a bit. It would be nice if we could manually edit the ID's of what it collects, it could be easier since we don't have an MCM or SkyUI yet.



Second, Levellers Tower has a couple of spells, Collector and Harvester. Seems to me some enterprising modder could modify these to be an enchantment that could be placed on a ring...



These two options may not be perfect or fast, but they do work and both do a fairly good job for the time being.

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