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Dragon population boom after the main quest


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Alright I beat the main quest, 2nd time. This time I wanted to continue exploring the world a bit more rather than just starting all over again. But .. We have a problem. Dragons. Yes they're fun to fight sometimes, even suprising when they swoop down on ya all of a sudden and all that. But man .. Since I completed the main quest I can't travel anywhere without encountering a dragon. I mean They are way more common than before I killed Alduin. It started to be annoying I don't want to fight a dragon at every corner, I just want to explore, do side quest and if a dragon pops out on the way (as they used to be) it's fine, but not all the time. I killed 4 dragon on the way from Riverwood to Falkreath. It's ridicilous.


Is it just me or the encounter rate for dragons really increases after the main quest, anyone can confirm this ?

Edited by Soresu
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I'm afraid soon I will not be able to walk around with all those dragon skeletons lying around everywhere :ohdear:
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I'm afraid soon I will not be able to walk around with all those dragon skeletons lying around everywhere :ohdear:


That's actually the situation for me right now in the collage of winterhold - 4 dead dragons in the center, 1 up on the walls (killed him with an arrow, and now I can't access his loot :confused: )

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I'm afraid soon I will not be able to walk around with all those dragon skeletons lying around everywhere :ohdear:


That's actually the situation for me right now in the collage of winterhold - 4 dead dragons in the center, 1 up on the walls (killed him with an arrow, and now I can't access his loot :confused: )



Use the roof access from the Arch-Mages Quarters then use Become Ethereal to drop down to the lower walls. :thumbsup:

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Maybe Alduin was holding them back for a massive invasion and without him they're just left to do whatever they want? In any case, you'd think dragons would go out of their way to avoid you after you just ate their leader's soul.


It'd be a great mod if after the main quest, dragons would start fighting you, but after awhile shout "Dovakiin!" in a panicked tone and high tail it out of there.

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Every other time I fast traveled to the mage college I had a dragon waiting on me. This was after the main quest. Before the main quest was finished, I ran into them occasionally and much less frequently. Its obviously not random. Appearances are increased after the main story. The courtyard of the mage college is basically a dragon graveyard, about a dozen skeletons, which I had to remove with the console because they never go away otherwise..... Edited by Beriallord
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Dragons was fun the first 3 times. Then they got increasigly annoying. Try meeting 3 of them in 15 minute, as an assassin with low sneak level >.< daggers hit for nothing without stealth!

Aren't dragon suppose to be dead, legandary and strong? Really not what I feel. They are like Cbugs: You kill 1 and 2 takes it place and they are all as annoying as the first.


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