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Running SBW+SKSE+Skyrim4GB


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I am sorry if the method is obvious and I just wasted my time but checking this forum I didn't find an answer. So decided to write this tutorial ( dunno whether it is in the right forum )


What you need:


Skyrim Script Extender ( SKSE ) : http://skse.silverlock.org/

4GB Skyrim : http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1013

Simple Borderless Window (SBW) : http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4 (Download both the main file and optional file )


Step 1: Extract 4GB Skyrim file and copy the skyrim4gb.exe and skyrim4gb_helper.dll to your Skyrim folder ( Not Data folder )

Step 2: Create a folder called exes in the Skyrim folder

Step 3: Extract SKSE and copy only skse_steam_loader.dll and skse_1_3.dll into the exes folder

Step 4: Extract SBW and copy SBW.exe into the Skyrim folder.

Step 5: Launch Skyrim via the normal launcher, "SkyrimLauncher.exe". Select Options then select "Windowed Mode" and your desired resolution.

Step 6: Extract the optional file and copy SBW_Custom into Skyrim folder

Step 7: Right Click on SBW_Custom and click edit.

Step 8: Copy the following 2 lines into text editor overwriting everything in it.



start SBW.exe x=c y=d width=a height=b


In the above replace a and b by you resolution values you selected in Step 5 ( i.e. if the resolution is 1280x720 then a=1280 b=720)

c and d are you used to position your windowed screen. To get the screen in the centre use the values obtained from the following


c= (Monitor Xaxis Resolution-a)/2

d= (Monitor Yaxis Resolution-b)/2


In the above the Monitor resolution is the Desktop resolution not the Windowed Skyrim resolution. The resolution is in the format XaxisxYaxis e.g. 1920x1080


After editing save and exit


Step 9: Run SBW_Custom to run the game. Create a shorcut on desktop for ease.



I hope this helps someones.

Edited by Nashnir
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This works but it's one hell of a mess, launching bat script to launch a launcher that launches another launcher which again launches the game launcher that launches TESV.

SBW bat that launches TESV is enough for me, just glad my game works fine without 4gb patch so I can avoid these complications. +1 for tutorial though

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  • 7 months later...
I don't get it. It doesn't seem to work. First, I'm not using Skyrim4GB of course but I'd like to use SBW with SKSE. My problem is that with your instructions I cannot get SKSE working. From your instructions, you're no longer using the skse_launcher.exe correct? So how is this supposed to work exactly?
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