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Lover's Comfort Bug


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I'm married to Aela, with home set at Whiterun Breezehome, we're both in the house, she's right next to the bed, but I don't get the buff when I go to sleep. Instead of "Lover's Comfort", I only end up with "Well Rested", which is the same thing I got before I married.


My game is at version 1.1.12 (haven't patched it recently because of all the bad things I hear) if that's a problem. I'm not a werewolf (anymore) and I have the Mage Stone active. I can't think of anything that can be causing this to happen.


I have not tried marrying someone else and testing this, but I assume it will come up with any other marriage partner.


Here is my last save in case anyone wants to check it out.

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Thanks, that fixed it for me! I thought it wouldn't work at first, since I couldn't sleep in her bed since it still says "bed (owned)". The only ones I could sleep in were the ones for the trainees, but I decided to try it anyway. Glad that I did. :thumbsup:
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