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Updating USEEP


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Assuming you mean the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP), it depends what you mean by uninstall.

If you mean some kind of "clean save" procedure where you remove USSEP, load up the game without it, save and exit, upgrade to the new version, then load up the game again.

Then NO, never do that, if you remove any of the Unofficial Patches never carry on playing your current character without them, even temporarily, all sorts of Bad Things™ could happen


Just replace the old version with the new version and carry on.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply guys. Yes, I just want to update to the latest version so I'll install over the current version I have now.


As a further thought, I assume that each mod has a different requirement for upgrading. I'll pay attention to that documentation in the future. Thanks again.

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