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Morrowind Sound and Graphics Overhaul


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I am trying to reinstall the MSGO with different settings in order to increase my framerate(13-15fps indoors, 2-3 outdoors).


Is this possible? If so how can I go about it?


I have attempted reinstalling it, but it is unable to overwrite a particular file and quits the installation.


Any help is greatly appreciated



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You can make some changes by launching the file "MGSO Options" which is placed in the Morrowind Directory after installation.


If that doesn't work, or if you want to change different settings, then another thing you can try is a clean install.


In order to reinstall the MGSO, I think the only way to go about it is a clean install. Back up your character save files. Uninstall Morrowind. Delete the Morrowind Directory. Then reinstalll Morrowind, and then the MGSO


If you're just trying to get a little bit of framerate though, I would recommend trying the Morrowind.ini Modification Guide. Just make sure to make an extra copy of your morrowind.ini before you get started (Although your framerate is so as it is, it may make much of a difference)



Hope that helps!

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Hmm... well, assuming you're talking about the new 2.0 version just released on Dec. 19, 2011, via the official Morrowind Overhaul - Sound & Graphics website, they've already released an updated version of it, which, among other things, fixes the following:


New MGE XE version

Performance boosts when using MGE XE

Installer Fixed

Fixed a bug that didn’t let you change crosshair in MGSO Options


(I believe the new MGE XE version to be 0.9.4 - released Dec. 21, 2011)


Morrowind Overhaul


Folks on the forums there are reporting jumps in FPS rates of 50% or more (depending on PC hardware and graphics settings).


As you probably already know, there are four main files to download, 3 @ 410MB and 1 @ 395MB - so be sure and double check your current usage / limit (assuming your ISP enforces one) so your don't go over your bandwidth cap! :pinch:


EDIT: To clarify - the mod consists of a FOUR (4) part .rar file; 3 @ 410MB and 1 @ 395MB. Also - be sure to scroll down and read the Pre-release steps! on the same page. This tells you the 3-4 additional files you will need to download or already have on your computer to insure a clean, trouble-free install. Finally, grab a copy of the "MGSO_Installguide.pdf" to glance over while you're downloading / extracting said mod.


EDIT: Fixed Download Files now located on main page - link revised to match.

Edited by NexusRanger
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