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Skyrim Brightness slider issue


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Okay, so my issue isn't necessarily the slider itself under the Display category in settings. I didn't know what else to put in the title. However, my issue is that I accidentally changed moved the brightness slider to the right when I was trying to click on the HUD Opacity slider. Now, instead of the default lighting ingame, everything now looks as if it has a blueish-grey hue to it. And quite frankly, it's unappealing. Everything just looks so blue now. I tried taking screenshots as an example, but my screenies come out normal as if the brightness hadn't been changed.

Is there anyway to restore the brightness setting to its default setting? I tried putting it back to its original position in game, but that doesn't do anything except make the blue-grey hue's even darker. I tried copying a default SkyrimPrefs.ini file into my Skyrim folder, but that didn't do anything. Any ideas on how to return the brightness back to what it was before I accidentally moved the brightness slider?

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