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Horrible rain Textures need help (First time modder)(Mod Organizer)


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Hello mod enthusiasts. I have been attempting to restart my love with Skyrim because i built a new PC (4790k+GTX1080).


So I've been taking in as much information as I can about load orders, LOOT, ES5edit, Mod Organizer. And I understand that mixing mods can create beautiful scenes but can also break games. I have been having pretty good progress with my modding until today.


I started changing the order of the mods on the left of Mod Organizer to try and get the textures I want displayed. I created a completely new character, used alternate start (campsite in the woods), and this happened.



My Load order screenshots can be found here because they are too big for the post to Host.




I Am assuming the rain textures are getting overwritten somehow but i have rearrange any MO has said are over lapping. But i may have missed a configuration.


I installed Ruby ENB and then installed Realvision ENB for COT. Could it be an ENB problem or should i just start from the ground up?

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