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Old mods - New Skyrim.


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This is my first day back, to see what it going on with the new Skyrim...SSE. The questions are simple.


  1. Do any of the old mods work with SSE?
  2. If so, is there a list of which ones do, and which do not?
  3. If old mods do not work with SSE, will there be a way in the future to tell which mods have been ported to SSE?
  4. Will there be a way to filter searches for mods that work with SSE?
  5. How has STEP been affected by SSE?
  6. Has there been a lot of interest by modders to return and port their mod to SSE?
  7. If a modder has no interest in porting a mod to SSE, should it be considered OK for another modder to do so, while giving credit for the original to the original modder? I see this as OK because it benefits the community as a whole. The only way this should be considered taboo is if somebody were to port it without giving credit to the original modder, or if the original modder has stated that they are going to do the port themselves.
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1. Depends on what the mod does, retextures are generally the only ones you can asume are compatible without any conversion there is a sse nexus

7. Crediting does nothing youd need permission from the author unless stated otherwise in the mod's permission instructions.

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