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Kvatch Rebuilt trouble


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PLEASE, HELP!!!... I'm going NUTS!!! Untill they started constructing the buildings, everything was fine, but then it was all yellow exclammation marks and floating doors and bottomless spaces behind them... It's frustrating! Anyone experienced the same? And what to do? Blessings of the Nine upon you if you can help[/size]. :wallbash:
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I seem to remember the same issue if it's the same mod I'm thinking off. I'm sure I just added a newer version of it as a lot of meshes were missing originally. Sorry I can't be of more help

This. Kind of. You see, yellow exclamation points are Marker_error.nif, a model that the game automatically reverts to when the model file for an object is damaged beyond usability or missing.


Try reinstalling the mod, make sure you put everything where it belongs (if it's not an omod install).

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