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Bug fix mod- for fireball spell request


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Hey guys, I've been having problems with my fireballs cause they haven't been exploding like they should.

They act like a fire bolt, only stronger and doesn't explode (aka AOE). Wanted to know if someone could make a fire ball glitch- bug fix mod, for me. I loooove fire ball. I looked up the problem via internet and no one has ever had that problem before, the search results kept coming up with 'Exploding arrows, etc' and nothing related to my issue. I think it has something to do with my DLC, since I bought Skyrim with all 3 DLCs. But ever since I tried out that Fire ball, after I downloaded skyrim... my fire balls never exploded. I always wondered why they never did and why they looked like fire bolts, I would love the mod so much, if someone made a bug fix- mod for this!


This problem has been going on for a long time, so I don't know what exactly caused this issue.. If anyone knows how to fix it, I would be grateful and if not.. please make a bug-fix mod for this! T_T

I don't know where to really post this, since i'm requesting a mod AND asking for help.. So please don't be mean q.q

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