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RQ Scaling weapons/spells request *Willing to pay via Paypal*


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I have been searching this mod but found nothing a What I am looking for is/are weapons that scale with the level or stats of the character (eg: 1000 stamina=100 weapon damage)

So, what I am asking for are

-Scaling Swords X2

-Scaling Greatsword

-Scaling bow (if possible)

Models of weapons of your preference (good looking if possible), if you are willing to do the mod we can discuss its balance later

-Some Scaling Destruction spells (just some of them)

Uploading the final version to ttps://mods.bethesda.net, so it ca be obtainable through the in-game mod menu for everybody to use

Basically, the idea is that these weapons are inferior to dragonbone/daedric weapons until you hit LVL 80,100,150 and so on. It could be based on your level or your stats. They have to be hard to forge/get so it doesn't count as a cheat.

Note: It could also be class around this scaling mechanic (with its own passives)

The payment will be done after the final version gets uploaded, we will discuss this later

If you are interested reply to this post or send me a PM

Edited by Katzeo
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