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Fallout Series, another option other than the regular human wanderer.


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You know what I kinda wanna see be a thing in the Fallout series? I kinda wanna have the option to either start a game as a super mutant on the surface of post nuclear apocolypse America as a separate story from the main, or I want the option to become a super mutant in the main story. Either way, the benefits could be super mutant allies, large carryweights, hard skin in case ya' don't have armor, great strength, great intellect (depending on if you choose not to be the type of mutant that wants to kill everything), radiation resistance, choice of bein' a nightkin, and you can pretty much eat whatever the hell ya' please. Issues could be that you have limited choices of armor or clothing, people are now afraid of you and might attack you on sight (unless maybe word gets spread of a mutant with certain recognizable features is goin' around helpin' people, maybe), you now gotta' worry about your super mutant homies turning against you if you do things they don't like, and the Brotherhood of Steel hate you no matter what cause according to Fallout 4 they're the new Enclave (only they won't just kill any random human, who is non-ghoul, non-synth, or non-mutated. So they're still sorta' Nazis anyways.)

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