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Moonlight Tales - cannot use beast form at all.


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OK so ive been running both moonlight tales essentials , and moonlight tales werewolf and werebear overhaul, for a while, and i decided to go ahead, and delete the werewolf and werebear overhaul mod, and keep the essentials.


after i uninstalled it, things were fine for a while, i did the companions quest, and got beast blood again, for the second time. i took out the first camp of silver hand, and shifted back, then i went back to white run. The next time i tried to use it, it was grayed out, and with the mod, its supposed to have no cooldown. I reinfected myself multiple times, and nothing had changed. so i uninstalled the mod, and reinstalled it entirely. At this point, the ability was no longer grey, but when i tried to use beast form, nothing would happen at all. even after starting a fresh new game, and attempting it, i was unable to transform, no animation, no sound, nothing.


please give me a hand with this, because i have no idea what to do.

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