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h2h using 1h turning/running animation


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I seriously have no idea how I managed to accomplish this...


My hand to hand (unarmed) animation is the exact same animation as my 1-handed animation ONLY for turning and running. I've updated FNIS with skeleton arm fix about 1000 times (I'm 99% sure it's not going to be fixed by skeleton arm, because I believe for some unknown alien reason my unarmed turning/running animation is tied to my 1h animation)


The only thing I can possibly think is that I had a mod installed that leveled 1-handed skill with unarmed - however I uninstalled it and the problem persists.


Anyone have any clues?

Edited by Flubleah
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Ok so, I narrowed it down...


TK dodge's 1hm_behavior.hkx file causes unarmed turn/run animation to overlap with 1-handed animations. I have tried using the FNIS patch for TK's dodge; however it does not work. I have no idea why TK's dodge behavior file overlaps the animations, I don't know if it is a known bug or if it something I'm doing.


Can anyone confirm???


NOTE: already using XPMSE, all other animations work fine.

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  • 1 month later...

Yea i had the same thing verbatim* happen. I'm assuming that i've overloaded skyrim with all these mods swapping in and out. I'm going through a testing session so i'm praying that when i load up my backup and put the mods that made it thru in that the problem is solved. I'll get back to you if it does or doesn't fix it.

Edited by RebirthEternal
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