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The Return of one of the Best mods of Oblivion


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Hey, Proxxor again. I thought what would be great is the return of one of my favourite mods for Oblivion. Its called "The Dark Arts Initiative - Necromancy and Summoning" by Vince Von Graff. It is an amazing mod and worth at least trying, and so (Vince if you read this) I would LOVE to see this mod make a return to Skyrim.
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Tried to PM him over at the nexus sites? It is a lot better to ask him, and get an idea if it will happen, than asking here: Where nobody knows.
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Yeah, that's the thing:

A lot of mods don't update, because the creator has moved on. Take J3X's mods for example. I think he's done for good after Enclave Commander.

So generally, PMing people to "Please remake this" doesn't work, because it's a niche mod or something, and the creator doesn't get on anymore.

These threads are more of a "Hey, do you remember this? Wanna help remake it guys?" thing, so people who might recall these mods may get together a team of its' fans and redo it.


On a slightly less aggravating note, the maker, Vince Von Graff has stated he's going to move onto Skyrim, so it's not too unreasonable to assume this will be made in time.

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The idea of that is nice. However, I know for a fact a lot of people take the easy method and port it over without permission.

I'd hate to help motivate people to do that.


It is still worth PMing the person on known forums. You never know!

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